3 Tips to successfully learning music as an adult
Enjoy the processAs we get older we realise how quickly time passes. Choose to learn an instrument for the sheer enjoyment of it.Too much pressure on "getting it just right" or a long term plan to "play for others" might take away some of your own playing pleasure. It takes time and dedication to play an instrument. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. The benefits gained from the learning process are very well documneted. Self esteem, relaxation while challenging the brain, co-ordination, confidence and many more benefits are often sited. Let me add Enjoyment.Plan your practise
The most successful adult learners put aside some special "me" time each week dedicated to music playing.The early learning stages are a time of getting to know your instrument. You discover the sounds it can make and the effect it has on your body when you are playing. You are using your hands in different ways and maybe even trying to read music for the first time, or re-discover music reading.Giving yourself ample time to spend at the instrument increases the pleasure. Take your time.Keep in touch with your teacher.
This may seem like an obvious point, but if you are going a whole week frustrated with a small area of playing that can be fixed by a phone call, text or email inbetween lessons, just reach out and save yourself stress. At Music Matters we are there for you and can help you with small details when you need it.