A quick, easy music practise trick! and a bonus video!
Looking to motivate some music practise at home today? Why not use the simplest method of all? Kids like to jam, right?What better way to get them pumping out their songs than to give them a full backing track? Here's how it is done:1. You: " Hey, Heston, I'd love to take a video of you to send to your Grandma."Heston: "Sure"
2. You: "Let's find the CD (or backing track) that goes with your favourite piece."Heston: "Here it is, Mum"
3. You: "Run through the pieces a few times and we can start with the video."Heston: "Sure"4. You: "I'll press start for you on the CD and film you while you play. We might even be able to put it on YouTube!"Heston: "Awesome!"Give your child a few minutes to practise, take a video of their "performance", send it to Grandma, upload it to your own personal You tube channel (not public unless you want to) and wait for the reply from Grandma!I promise you will have a very happy Grandma and a very happy kid! You might be happy too :)Most music tuition books come with either a CD or a digital download of the backing tracks for each song in the book. If your child doesn't have backing tracks then contact me and I will do my best to find some for you.Can you spot Heston below?Hint: look for the happy kid in a black T shirt sitting third on my right side. I am in the middle in pink and white. This is our Giant Cup Tapping Circle (GCTC) filmed on November 15th 2018 at The School Locker, Maroochydore where we have all our lessons. Book now for lessons in 2019 and join our biggest circle yet at the next Musical Celebration![video width="640" height="480" mp4="https://earlylearningmusic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/20181201-November-cup-Tapping-Circle-2018.mp4"][/video]Call me, Heather Nel, now on 0418 563 226.