A Quick, Engaging Song For Your Restless Pre-schooler

Looking for a quick, engaging song for "that moment"?

Got a bored, tired or restless pre-schooler?

Kids can't resist a song about their name

Name songs are kids favourite! Read on to find out why.

"What's your name?" This personal question invokes feelings of belonging. Our names represent ourselves.Kids are not shy to tell you their name. Names are important. Using songs with children's names in them makes the song relevant and special to them. A tired, bored or restless pre-school will most likely pay attention if your song involves their name. Keep this tool in your kit of songs for "that moment" when nothing else works."Hey Lolly Lolly Lo" is the perfect song to create some funny rhyming sentences about your child. "I know a girl whose name is Mia....she loves to climb a treea!"Once the moment has passed successfully and out are both laughing, you might encourage them to get creative and think up some rhyming sentences or words to go with their friends names too!Hint: prepare ahead of time by looking up rhyming wordshttps://youtu.be/n6c4ZT6t_bQ




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