Awesome Start to New Band Program
Guitar and Band teacher, Tim has kicked off with a bang! Brothers Daniel, Michael and Lucas can't wait for their Sunshine Coast Kids Gig Band class each Friday.
Learning Rhythm plays a big part in Kids Gig Bands
This rhythm looks way too complex for me!At band class we simplify notation and rhythm reading so even beginners can join the band. No need to read music fluently or have years of private lessons before enrolling.Daniel started playing piano less than 2 years ago and has already learned "The Pink Panther" theme and is working on "Your Reality", besides studying hard at his all important tuition books. But Daniel has an even bigger advantage over boys his age who learn piano only. By joining the Kids Gig Band, Daniel now has the opportunity to learn not only drums, but guitar if he wishes to do so, as well as piano/keyboard in the Band class.
We make rhythm reading as easy as possible. This chart looks better!Michael was concentrating on guitar in his private lessons, but moving into Band class has given him a new appreciation of keyboard playing and he also gets to play the drums which is awesome. Tim still takes time to teach Michael the all important riffs, chord progressions, and scales required to be a good guitar player, but Michael now drives his own practise at home. Lucas takes turns on the keyboard and drums. Keeping time when playing keyboard chord progressions is paramount in band work. All three boys practise to perfect their rhythm at the start of every band class. They know how important it is to understand the rhythm techniques they can use at home in between class such as body percussion, using the body as a drum kit, and clapping rhythm variations away from their instrument.
Easy Chart reading for keyboard, drums and guitar lessons.
In Kids Gig Bands classes, students learn a combination of regular notation and simplified notation. This gets them playing their favourite songs sooner. No need to wait until you can read music fluently before joining a Sunshine Coast Kids Gig Band.As kids progress in their note reading they get to play the same song, but with more complex rhythms, chord choices and of course, the all important lead part.
Sunshine Coast Kids Gig Bands are ready for you.
Anyone can join a Gig Band at Music Matters. We invite families to form their own band and come to us for lessons. What better gift to give your growing family than the gift of music?
Call Heather today 0418 563 226 to enrol.