Which Christmas Gift: Guitar or Keyboard?
Give the Gift of Music this Christmas
You have decided to buy the child in your family a musical instrument for Christmas. Congratulations for giving the gift that just keeps right on giving with a first FREE lesson.

However there are so many choices for instruments and you want to spend your money wisely. You may be thinking: Should I buy a guitar, a drum kit or a key board? These are the top three choices for Christmas gifts.
These days we are spoilt for choice when it comes to instruments. Electric drum kits come with headphones and take up very little room compared to the acoustic versions. Keyboards can be set up in the corner of a room without any fuss at all and guitars can be stored easily and safely on a guitar stand.
The choice may depend on what your child has shown a preference for. If he or she has always wanted to play guitar there are many 3/4 size and full size student guitars available at very reasonable prices. You will find more information about choosing the right guitar here.
Learning guitar is a very rewarding experience for anyone, but particularly for a young child as it gives a sense of independence. Creating sounds on the guitar feels good. The music learning process is great for young, developing brains and there is the benefit of playing simple chords to a huge variety of more complex songs.

If you feel that learning to play the piano before any other instrument gives a solid foundation for basic music concepts you are not alone. It may be the logical left hand/right hand layout of the piano keyboard or the simplicity with which notes are struck but for some reason piano playing appears to be a little more user-friendly than guitar for beginners. This is a great set up for kids! Look at the lovely big choice of sounds, rhythms and songs. Most keyboards these days have an inbuilt learning option such as the Yamaha Education Suite. Kids can literally teach themselves some songs by following along with the lit up keys or led screen as the case may be. Various keyboards have different options. Headphones make learning quietly an option.
Music Matters offers online options as well so that's where the ipad comes in handy. Music lessons with a teacher can be enhanced with the myriad of internet apps available. Some are quite good fun and value for money such as Simply Piano. I would recommend starting lessons on a keyboard or piano and within a year or two introduce guitar as a second instrument. It is an advantage to have both instruments in the home.
You may even like to add a ukulele as this is a small, affordable and transportable instrument. everyone can have a go at the ukulele and it is fun to play. So which keyboard should you choose for the budding musician in your home? You may like to check out my post on choosing a digital piano . There are many things to consider. As for any purchase, buy the best you can afford. You will find further information in a recent blog. This information takes you to a US site which compares digital pianos in more detail.
If you need further help do not hesitate to contact Heather. Good luck with your research. Whatever you decide remember to book lessons with Music Matters. Your FIRST LESSON IS FREE until December 24, Christmas 2020. We have fun, easy-going lessons and students can learn to play the guitar, ukulele, drums and piano with the one teacher.